Research Article

Simulating Cardiac Electrophysiology Using Unstructured All-Hexahedra Spectral Elements

Table 2

Details on the degrees of freedom (DOF) and the numbers of nonzero entries of the solution matrices (NNZ) for the human heart subvolume benchmark. Details for CPU-times for PDEs, ODEs, and PDEs + ODEs. Percentages are computed with respect to those of the FEM solution.

Method (cm) DOF NNZ Mean PCG CPU-time CPU-time Total CPU-time
iterations PDEs (s) ODEs (s) (PDEs + ODEs) (s)

SEM 0.0100 2 1,215,825 44,221,761 9.0 2.57 2.62 5.19
FEM 0.0025 6,290,417 93,516,241 10.2 7.19 9.12 16.31

SEM/FEM 400% 19.3% 47.4% 88.5% 35.7% 28.7% 31.8%