Research Article

miR-126 Is Involved in Vascular Remodeling under Laminar Shear Stress

Figure 1

LSS alters the morphology of HUVEC cells. Representative phase contrast (A–C) or fluorescence (A1–C2) photographs of endothelial cells. HUVECs were grown under static conditions (A–A2) or LSS conditions for 10 min (B–B2) or 24 h (C–C2). Cells were then stained with Phalloidin (F-actin: red) and DAPI (Nucleus: blue). Global distribution of F-actin and cellular shape was analyzed for static conditions (A1), 10 min of LSS (B1) or 24 h of LSS (C1). High resolution zoom images of F-actin distribution in endothelial cells (A2-C2). Direction of flow is indicated by white arrows. For A–C scale bar = 40 μm, for A1–C1 scale bar = 20 μm, and for A2–C2 scale bar = 5 μm.