Review Article

Molecular Imaging-Guided Interventional Hyperthermia in Treatment of Breast Cancer

Table 1

Highlights of the genomic, clinical, and proteomic features of the four main subtypes of breast cancer.

SubtypeIHC markers [21]DNA mutations [21]mRNA expression [21]Benefit from chemotherapy [22]Outcome [22]

Luminal AER+/HER2: 87%; HER2+: 7%; TNBCs: 2%; and Ki67: lowPIK3CA (49%); TP53 (12%); GATA3 (14%); and MAP3K1 (14%)High ER cluster; low proliferationLow (0–5% pCR)Good

Luminal BER+/HER2: 82%; HER2+: 15%; TNBCs: 1%; and Ki67: highPIK3CA (32%); TP53 (32%); and MAP3K1 (14%)Lower ER cluster; high proliferationIntermediate (10–20% pCR)Intermediate or poor

Basal-likeER+/HER2: 10%; HER2+: 2%; TNBCs: 80%; and Ki67: highPIK3CA (7%); TP53 (84%)Basal signature; high proliferationHigh (≥40% pCR)Poor

HER2E ER+/HER2: 20%; HER2+: 68%; TNBCs: 9%; and Ki67: highPIK3CA (42%); TP53 (75%); and PIK3R1 (8%)HER2 amplicon signature; high proliferationIntermediate (25–40% pCR)Poor

IHC: immunohistochemistry; ER: estrogen receptor; HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; PR: progesterone receptor; +: positive; −: negative; TNBCs: triple-negative breast cancers; pCR: pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.