Research Article

Quality of Life and Migraine Disability among Female Migraine Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia

Table 5

Association of disability and QOL with migraine.

VariablesCrude OR*Adjusted OR#Wald statistics# value#
(95% CI)(95% CI)(df)

MIDAS score1.92 (1.36, 2.73)2.68 (1.43, 5.01)9.53 (1)0.002
Total QOL0.96 (0.93, 1.00)1.20 (1.001, 1.45)3.87 (1)0.049

Simple logistic regression and #multiple logistic regression (method = Backward LR).
The model reasonably fits well. Model assumptions are met. There are no interaction or multicollinearity problems.