Research Article

No Evidence for Retinal Damage Evolving from Reduced Retinal Blood Flow in Carotid Artery Disease

Table 1

Demographic details of the total cohort and stenosis subgroups. SD: standard deviation; min: minimal; max: maximal; CAD: carotid artery disease comprising carotid artery stenosis (CAS) and carotid artery occlusion (CAO); HLP: hyperlipoproteinemia; PAD: peripheral artery disease; TIA: transient ischemic attack; Group 1: CAS 50–79%; Group 2: CAS ≥ 80% or CAO with nonretrograde OA; Group 3: CAS ≥ 80% or CAO with retrograde OA.

Total cohortStenosis subgroups
Group 1Group 2Group 3

Patients 278712
 Male17 (63%)7 (87.5%)2 (28.6%)8 (66.7%)
 Female10 (37%)1 (12.5%)5 (71.4%)4 (33.3%)
Age (years)
 Mean ± SD61 ± 1066 ± 462 ± 758 ± 12
 (min–max) (35–76) (61–72) (50–71) (35–76)
Disease duration CAD (months)
 Mean ± SD46 ± 5021 ± 2074 ± 5546 ± 56
 (min–max) (1–177) (2–58) (6–177) (1–169)
Unilateral CAD
 50–79%8 (29.6%)8 (100%)00
 80–99%9 (33.3%)05 (71.4%)4 (33.3%)
 Occlusion10 (37.0%)02 (28.6%)8 (66.7%)
 Art. hypertension18 (66.7%)7 (87.5%)5 (71.4%)6 (50.0%)
 HLP14 (51.9%)4 (50.0%)3 (42.9%)7 (58.3%)
 Coronary artery disease8 (29.6%)4 (50.0%)1 (14.3%)3 (25.0%)
 Diabetes mellitus4 (14.8%)2 (25.0%)1 (14.3%)1 (8.3%)
 PAD3 (11.1%)1 (12.5%)1 (14.3%)1 (8.3%)