Research Article

Khat (Catha edulis Forsk.) Dependence Potential and Pattern of Use in Saudi Arabia

Table 4

Dependence on Khat and the scoring of modified DAST-10 (1 = yes; no = 0) and its scoring among study sample.

Questions of DAST-10Number (%)

Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons?284 (47.1)319 (52.9)
Do you abuse more than one drug at a time? 125 (20.8)475 (79.2)
Are you able to stop using Khat when you want to?177 (29.5)423 (70.5)
Have you ever had blackouts or flashbacks as a result of Khat use? 219 (36.4)382 (63.4)
Do you ever feel bad or guilty about Khat use?204 (33.8)399 (66.2)
Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with Khat?368 (60.9)236 (39.1)
Have you neglected your family because of your use of Khat? 441 (73.0)163 (27.0)
Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain Khat?49 (8.1)555 (91.9)
Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking Khat? 25 (4.1)578 (95.9)
Have you had medical problems as a result of your Khat use (e.g., memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, and bleeding)? 15 (2.5)588 (97.5)


DAST-10 scoring among study sample
Degree of problems related to drug abuse according to DASTSuggested actionDAST standard scoring system% of study sample ( value)

No problems reported Encouragement and education0-12.0 770.46 (0.00)
Low levelRisky behavior: feedback and advice1-217.3
Moderate level Harmful behavior: feedback and counseling; possible referral for specialized assessment3–573.6
Substantial level Intensive assessment and referral6–107.1
Mean ± SEM3.57 ± 0.058100