Research Article

Quantitative Analysis Linking Inner Hair Cell Voltage Changes and Postsynaptic Conductance Change: A Modelling Study

Figure 4

(a) The average “close” time, , and (b) the average “open” time, , of a single calcium channel with respect to cell membrane voltage. A fourth-order polynomial fit was used to extrapolate recorded results (shown in red stars) from previous studies [9, 26]. Plot (c) shows the rate of channels opening given a certain voltage. Plot (d) shows many repetitions of the response of a collection of calcium channels given a step increase in intracellular voltage from −65 mV to −20 mV lasting 100 ms. The rise time of this ensemble was found to be between 2 ms (red line) and 1 ms (green line). Both results agree with a rise time of 1.4 ms [9] which is represented by the yellow line.