Research Article

Novel Mechanisms of Spinal Cord Plasticity in a Mouse Model of Motoneuron Disease

Figure 2

Panel of confocal images showing examples of immunostained lumbar SC sections collected from unilaterally lesioned mice. The panel shows the expression of Ki67 ((a), (b), green), in the right (lesioned) side (b), compared to the left (contralateral) side (a). The effect of CTB-SAP on cell proliferation is evident, although the number of proliferating cells is relatively low. Almost all the observed Ki67-positive cells ((b), (e), and (f), green) are also GFAP-positive ((c), (d), and (f), red). Sections were counterstained with DAPI to visualize cell nuclei (d). Scale bars: 100 m in (a), (b); 20 m in (c)–(f). The arrows indicate the medial (M) to lateral (L) direction.