Research Article

AcconPred: Predicting Solvent Accessibility and Contact Number Simultaneously by a Multitask Learning Framework under the Conditional Neural Fields Model

Table 1

Precision, recall, and score for different evaluation dataset of 3-state solvent accessibility prediction.

Evaluation datasetPrecisionRecall score

Buried overall0.760.780.77
Buried >0.90.960.310.47
Buried >0.80.920.450.60
Buried >0.70.880.570.69
Buried >0.60.840.660.74
Buried >0.50.790.740.76
Buried >0.40.750.820.78

Intermediate overall0.560.500.53
Intermediate >
Intermediate >0.80.820.0060.01
Intermediate >0.70.740.060.11
Intermediate >0.60.670.190.30
Intermediate >0.50.610.380.47
Intermediate >0.40.550.610.58

Exposed overall0.710.760.73
Exposed >0.90.940.110.20
Exposed >0.80.880.310.46
Exposed >0.70.830.470.60
Exposed >0.60.780.610.68
Exposed >0.50.740.720.73
Exposed >0.40.690.810.75

Overall indicates the whole set of the predicted labels.
>0.9 indicates that the set of the predicted labels is chosen according to the predicted probability which is larger than 0.9.