Research Article

The TF-miRNA Coregulation Network in Oral Lichen Planus

Table 2

Examples of genes from each network module that have been reported to be related to OLP or oral cancer.

Network moduleGene symbolPubMed IDs

Module 1KRT1819575986; 22677743; 7527618;
SHH11857543; 21945071; 21496886
FOSB19653276; 15926923

Module 2MAGEA319187853; 12855658
KRT120002980; 16334838; 10896780

Module 3HIF1A19717330; 19449077; 18630523
PTEN17067457; 15453811; 15805158
IGF1R17786320; 23106397; 19584075

Module 4CP23812204; 19884712; 17066447
ABCG218429968; 15801936; 15618737
ALDH1A122725270; 22782852; 21441790

Module 5IDH122385606; 21383741; 19378339
CRABP219197536; 16568407; 11437413

Module 6CD5521545652; 17234541; 15668483
FGFR418487077; 20127014; 23481570
CYP3A516338276; 18628519; 1808564