Research Article

RecRWR: A Recursive Random Walk Method for Improved Identification of Diseases

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for the RecRWR method.
Algorithm Recursive Random Walk with Restarts
Input : Adjancecy matrix A  of size N  ×  N;
Vector of size N  with n seed proteins p0;
Restart probability r
Output : Sorted list of candidate diseases
(1)Let m1,   ,  mk  be the binary vectors of length N
(2)Let W  be a column normalized of the A matrix of size  N  ×  N
(4)Let p    p0;
(5)Let i    1,  j    1;
(7)While ((m1' * |p    pt    1|)  >=  rho)
(8)Process (i,  j,  p)
(10)Let  x    top(p  *  diag(m1));
(11)Output x;
(14)Process (i,  j,  p)
(15)If (i  ==  j)
(16)While (j  <=  k)
(17)p    Process  (i,  j,  p);
(19)If (i  !=  j)
(20)p    Process (j,  j,  p)
(22)p    p'  *  Wmij;
(23)Wmij    diag(mi)  *  W  *  diag(mj)
(24)While  ((mi'  *  (delta(p))  >  ro)
(25)p    (r  *  p0  +  (1    r)Wij  *  p);
(27)p    p'  *  Wmij;
(28)p    SelectTop(p,  n);
(30)return  p;