Research Article

A Cross-Sectional Study of Pesticide Use and Knowledge of Smallholder Potato Farmers in Uganda

Table 3

Commercial names, active ingredients, and WHO toxicity classes of pesticides used by potato farmers in Uganda.

NumberCommercial pesticide name(s)Active ingredient(s) and concentrationReported use (% responses)WHO toxicity class

(a) Fungicides ()
1Tata master 56Mancozeb 48% + Metalaxyl 10%9.8II
2Agro-Laxyl MZ 63.5 WPMancozeb 56% + Metalaxyl 7.5%2.0II
3Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WGMancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 4%5.4II
4Orius 25 ECTebuconazole 25%0.5II
5Dithane M45Mancozeb 80%54.4U
5Greenzeb 80 WPMancozeb 80%U
5Indofil M45Mancozeb 80%U
5Agrozeb 80 WPMancozeb 80%U
5Greenzeb 80 WPMancozeb 80%U
5Mancozeb 80% WPMancozeb 80%U
6Antracol 70 WPPropineb 70%0.5U
Total responses (fungicides)75.1

(b) Insecticide ()
1Lava 100% ECDichlorvos 100%0.5Ib
2Bulldock 0.25 ECBeta-cyfluthrin 2.5%0.5II
3AmbushPermethrin 50% EC30.9II
4Rocket 44 ECCypermethrin 4% + Profenofos 40%14.2II
5Dudu EthoateDimethoate 40%7.8II
5Super EthoateDimethoate 40%II
5Agrithoate 40 ECDimethoate 40%II
5Tafgor 40 ECDimethoate 40%II
6Ambush SuperLambda-cyhalothrin0.5II
7Cyclone 505 ECCypermethrin 10% + chlorpyrifos 35%0.5II
8Dudu AlphaAlpha-cypermethrin 3%1.0II
9Dudu CyperCypermethrin 5%4.4II
CyperLacer 5 ECCypermethrin 5%II
10Dursban 48 ECChlorpyrifos 48%0.5II
11Malataf 57 ECMalathion 57%15.7III
Total responses (insecticides)76.5

(c) Herbicides ()
1Green-2,4-D2,4-D-Amine 860 g/L0.5II
2Roundup 36% SLGlyphosate 36%2.5III
2MambaGlyphosate 36%III
3Green Fire 50% SLGlyphosate 50%2.5III
3WeedMaster 50% SLGlyphosate 50%III
Total responses (herbicides)5.5

Grand Total responses (pesticides), 157.1

Multiple responses; = number of responses; Ib: highly hazardous; II: moderately hazardous; III: slightly hazardous; U: unlikely to present acute hazard in normal use.