Review Article

Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: Structural and Functional Effects on the Vascular Wall

Table 2

Studies evaluating n-3 PUFA effects on endothelial function.
(a) Animal studies

First authorYearDoseSampleDuration (w)Study designOutcome measureResults

Nyby [84]2005Diet enriched with 60% fructose and 4.4% n-3 PUFA versus diet with 60% fructose or control dietHyperinsulinemic rats 8AES-PGEDD, oxidative stressImprove EDD and oxidative stress

Matsumoto [88] 2009300 mg/kg/day EPA versus control dietDiabetic rats4AES-PCEDDImprove EDD

Zhang [83]2013Diet enriched with ALA 500 mg/kg/day versus control dietType 2 diabetic rats5AES-PCEDD, oxidative stressImprove EDD and oxidative stress

Gortan Cappellari [82]2013800 mg/kg/day by gavage versus control dietOvariectomized rats8AES-PCEDD, oxidative stressImprove EDD and oxidative stress

(b) Human studies

First authorYearDoseSampleDuration (w)NumberStudy designOutcome measureResults

Woodman [117]20033800 mg EPA or 3700 mg DHA versus olive oilHypertensive type 2 patients630RCT-PGEDD, EIDUnchanged EDD and EID

Engler [118]20041200 mg n-3 PUFA versus control dietHypercholesterolemic children1020RCT-PCEDD, oxidative stress, inflammationImproved EDD, unchanged oxidative stress and inflammation

Ros [119]20041100–1700 mg n-3 PUFA versus Mediterranean dietHypercholesterolemic patients420RCT-PGEDD, oxidative stress and CRPImproved EDD, unchanged oxidative stress and inflammation

Keogh [120]20054700 mg mg n-3 PUFA versus isocaloric high carbohydrate, saturated or monounsaturated fat enriched-dietHealthy subjects440RCT-PGEDD, CRP, inflammationImproved EDD in all groups except in saturated fat enriched diet

Prabodh Shah [121]2007500 mg n-3 PUFA versus placeboHealthy subjects226RCT-PCEDD, EIDImproved EDD and EID

Wright [122]20083000 mg n-3 PUFA versus standard therapySystemic lupus erythematosus patients2456RCT-PGEDD, oxidative stressImproved EDD and oxidative stress

Schiano [123]20081700–2000 mg versus standard therapyIntermittent claudication patients1332RCT-PGEDD, inflammationImproved EDD, inflammation unchanged

Mindrescu [124]20084500 mg n-3 PUFA + rosuvastatin 10 g versus rosuvastatin 10 gDyslipidemic patients430RCT-PGEDD, EIDImproved EDD and EID

Rizza [125]20091700–2000 mg n-3 PUFA versus placeboOffspring of type 2 diabetic subjects1250RCT-PCEDD, inflammationImproved EDD and inflammation

Wong [99]20104000 mg n-3 PUFA versus control (olive oil)Type 2 diabetes mellitus1297RCT-PGEDD, CRP, renal functionImproved renal function; no effect on EDD or CRP

Stirban [100]20102000 mg versus control (olive oil)Type 2 diabetes mellitus634RCT-PCPostprandial EDDImproved postprandial EDD

Sanders [58]2011450–900 or 1800 mg n-3 PUFA versus placebo (refined oil)Healthy subjects51310RCT-PCEDDUnchanged EDD and EID

Skulas-Ray [101]2011850 or 3400 mg versus placebo Moderate hypertriglyceridemia826RTC-PCEDD, IL-6, CRP No effect on EDD, IL-6, or CRP

Moertl [103]20111000 or 4000 mg n-3 PUFA versus placeboCHF 1243RCT-PCLVEF, EDD, IL-6Improved LVEF, EDD, and IL-6

Haberka [104]20111000 mg n-3 PUFA versus control (standard diet and therapy)Previous AMI1240RCT-PGEDD, EIDImproved EDD; EID unchanged

Din [105]20132000 mg n-3 PUFA versus placeboCigarette smokers620RCT-PCEDD, P-selectin, CD40LImproved EDD and P selectin; CD40L unchanged

Din [108]20132000 mg n-3 PUFA versus placeboPrevious AMI620RCT-PCEDD, P-selectin, CD40LNo effect

n-3 PUFA, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EDD, endothelium dependent dilation; EID: endothelium independent dilation; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; CHF: chronic heart failure; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; IL-6: interleukin-6; CRP: C reactive protein; AES, animal experimental study; RCT, randomized clinical trial; CT, clinical trial; PG, parallel groups; PC, placebo controlled; d, day; w, week.