Clinical Study

Oral Tori in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of hemodialysis patients with or without oral tori formation (n = 119).

VariableAll patients (n = 119)Patients with oral tori (n = 40)Patients without oral tori (n = 79) value

Age, year59.8 ± 14.760.0 ± 13.259.7 ± 15.50.905
Male sex, (%)60 (50.4)18 (45.0)42 (53.2)0.400
Body mass index, kg/m222.3 ± 3.422.7 ± 3.722.1 ± 3.20.360
Diabetes mellitus, (%)47 (39.5)19 (47.5)28 (35.4)0.204
Hypertension, (%)66 (55.5)23 (57.5)43 (54.4)0.750
Smoking habit, (%) 27 (22.7)8 (20)19 (24.1)0.618
Alcohol consumption, (%) 20 (16.8)5 (12.5)15 (19.0)0.371