Review Article

MicroRNAs Based Therapy of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The Road Traveled So Far

Table 1

miRNA expression profile in the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The development of the pathology is associated with the stress imposed to cardiomyocytes due to mutations in genes of the cardiac contractile apparatus. The passage from asymptomatic to mildly asymptomatic stages is related to the heart morphology (schematically represented). In mildly asymptomatic patients, a cardiac remodeling, consisting in cardiomyocyte (red cells) hypertrophy, fibrosis mediated by an increased synthesis of interstitial collagen, cardiomyocytes spatial misalignment, and substitution of dead cardiomyocytes by fibroblasts (blue cells), is performed [3, 41]. Overt HCM is characterized by a cardiac left ventricular hypertrophy higher than 15 mm. miRNAs whose expression is consistently altered in tissues and in circulation are in bold.

Murine heartHuman heartCirculating miRNAs

miR-1 [40]  
miR-133 [40]  

miR-29a [15]    
miR-27a [15]    
miR-29a [15]    
miR-199a-5p [15]    
Other functions    
miR-21 [15]    
miR-26a [15]    
miR-30a [15]    
miR-126-3p [15]    
miR-133a [15]    
miR-143 [15]    
miR-145 [15]    
miR-155 [15]    
miR-199a-3p [15]    
miR-483-5p [42]  
miR-21 [40]  
miR-132 [40]  
miR-214 [40]  
miR-331 [40]
miR-1 [40]  

Upregulated Upregulated
miR-21 [40]  
miR-31 [40]  
miR-34b-3p [40]  
miR-132 [40]  
miR-142 [40]  
miR-214 [40]  
miR-222 [40]
miR-21 [43]  
miR-34b* [44]  
miR-92a [45]  
miR-96 [44]  
miR-130b [43]  
miR-132 [44]  
miR-181a-2* [44]  
miR-184 [44]
miR-204 [44]  
miR-222* [44]  
miR-383 [44]  
miR-371-3p [44]  
miR-497 [44]  
miR-590-5p [45]  
miR-708 [44]  
Downregulated Downregulated
miR-1 [40]  
miR-30b-5p [40]  
miR-30c [40]  
miR-30e [40]  
miR-133a [40]  
miR-133b [40]  
miR-150 [40]  
miR-486-5p [40]
miR-1 [45]  
miR-10b [44]  
miR-10a [44]  
miR-10b* [44]  
miR-30b [45]  
miR-133b [45]  
miR-139-5p [43]  
miR-139-3p [43]  
miR-144* [43]  
miR-150 [43]  
miR-191 [45]
miR-208b [45]  
miR-218 [45]  
miR-363 [43]  
miR-374 [45]  
miR-451 [43]  
miR-454 [45]  
miR-486-3p [43]  
miR-495 [45]  
miR-1246 [43]  
miR-3141 [43]

miR-X*: antisense miRNA star.