Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Different Test Combinations for Diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies paratuberculosis Infecting Dairy Herds in India

Table 2

Comparison of different diagnostic test combinations for the diagnosis of Johne’s disease.

Sample sizeTest combinationsCombinations of tests (%)
ABA+ & B+ (TP)A & B+ (FN)A+ & B (FP)A & B (TN)

204Serum ELISAMilk ELISA16 (7.8)18 (18.8)22 (10.8)148 (72.6)
68Faecal MicroscopyFaecal PCR21 (30.9)10 (14.7)16 (23.5)21 (30.9)
207Milk PCRMilk ELISA23 (11.1)6 (2.9)11 (5.3)167 (80.7)
62Serum ELISAFecal PCR25 (40.3)5 (8.1)5 (8.1)27 (43.5)

TP: positive in A and B, TN: negative in A and B, FP: positive in A and negative in B, and FN: negative in A and positive in B.