Research Article

Rapamycin Protects from Type-I Peritoneal Membrane Failure Inhibiting the Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis, and Endo-MT

Figure 5

Rapamycin decreases the VEGF production by MCs. Omentum and PD effluent derived MCs were cultured and stimulated with Rapamycin 2 nM during 48 h. We performed two parallel cultures with equal numbers of MCs. A group received Rapamycin while the other was untreated. Supernatants were collected and VEGF-A, VEGF-C, and VEGF-D were measured. Rapamycin significantly decreased VEGFs, mainly the prolymphopenic VEGF-C and VEGF-D forms (a and b). We also calculated the reduction rate (%). Importantly in nonepithelioid MCs derived from PD effluent, VEGF-D was reduced by 82% and VEGF-C (gray bar graphic) by 63%. In omentum-derived MCs (white bar) the VEGF-D and VEGF-C were reduced by 63% and 20%, respectively (c). Box plots graphics represent 25th and 75th percentiles and median, minimum, and maximum values. Statistical differences between groups are shown (mean ± SD).