Review Article

Manipulation of DNA Repair Proficiency in Mouse Models of Colorectal Cancer

Figure 1

Pathology of intestinal lesions in ApcMin/+ and Blm/BLM mice. (a) Gastrointestinal neoplasia (red box) in ApcMin/+ mouse intestine; (b) adenoma in ApcMin/+ mouse intestine (ileum); (c) carcinoma in ApcMin/+;BlmCin/+ mouse intestine; (d) adenoma in Ccsp/fgf-10;BlmCin/+ lung tissue; (e) adenoma in ApcMin/+;BLMTg mouse intestine; (f) isolated retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in a pun/un;BLMTg mouse retina; (g) a cluster of RPE cells in a pun/un;BLMTg mouse retina; and (h) adenoma in ApcMin/+;BLMTg;Msh2Δ7N/Δ7N mouse intestine.