Research Article

Sagittal and Vertical Craniofacial Growth Pattern and Timing of Circumpubertal Skeletal Maturation: A Multiple Regression Study

Table 3

Results of the backward multiple linear regressions for the association of craniofacial cephalometric parameters with the chronological age (in months) for each CVM stage.

Explanatory variableβ (SE)tSig.

Model 1: age of attainment of CVM stage 2 (N = 80), R2 = 0.213
Sex (male)17.0 (3.6)4.7540.000; S
ANB angle1.6 (0.9)1.7930.077; NS
Model 2: age of attainment of CVM stage 3 ( = 80), R2 = 0.269
Sex (male)13.6 (3.2)4.3110.000; S
MP/SN angle−0.7 (0.3)2.4770.015; S
Model 3: age of attainment of CVM stage 4 (N = 80), R2 = 0.194
Sex (male)15.4 (3.6)4.3390.000; S
NSBa angle0.6 (0.4)1.7000.093; NS
Model 4: age of attainment of CVM stage 5 (N = 80), R2 = 0.165
Sex (male)16.3 (4.0)4.0800.000; S

Independent variables entered in each model: sex, SNA angle, ANB angle,  SN/MP angle, and NSBa angle, with variables having a p value above 0.1 removed from the model. Results of the multiple linear regressions are presented as β (SE); , coefficient of determination. Sig., level of significance; S, statistically significant; NS, not statistically significant.