Research Article

DASAF: An R Package for Deep Sequencing-Based Detection of Fetal Autosomal Abnormalities from Maternal Cell-Free DNA

Table 1

Description of reference datasets.

Dataset nameDescription

NCR_refRatios of uniquely mapping reads for every chromosome and the total number of sequences uniquely mapped to the genome for all 120 samples

GC_refGC content for every chromosome for all 120 samples

Tag_posGenomic bins positions for widths of 1 Mb and 100 kb

Bin_GCGC content calculated for genomic bins for all samples

Nearest_bin_refBin names of the 10 bins for the 1 Mb data and the 40 bins for the 100 kb data, which are with the nearest GC content for every divided bin

BRV_refRatios of reads within a bin to the total number of reads in bins with the nearest GC percentages