Research Article

Vector Potential of Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattidae) for Medically Important Bacteria at Food Handling Establishments in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia

Table 1

Magnitude of cockroach infestation in the FHEs of Jimma town from May 1 to September 30, 2014, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia.

Magnitude of cockroach infestation
Number (%)Number (%)Number (%)

Trapping areas
 Kitchen 523 (49.9)224 (28.3)747 (40.6)
 Behind coffee machine317 (40)317 (17.2)
 Food preparation area194 (18.5)99 (12.5)293 (15.9)
 Refrigerator45 (4.3)37 (4.7)82 (4.5)
 Bathroom122 (11.6)122 (6.6)
 Toilet165 (15.7)115 (14.5)280 (15.2)

Total 1049 (57)792 (43)1841 (100)

= not applicable (coffee machines in restaurants and bathrooms in cafeteria were not included in the study).