Review Article

Ocular Complications of Diabetes and Therapeutic Approaches

Table 2

Clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus in ocular tissues.

Disease stageOcular tissue

Early/prediabetesOcular lens -crystallin formation [60]; increased central corneal thickness [61]Decreased corneal nerve fiber length [62]Microaneurysms; exudate; tortuosity of vessels; edema
MidpointReduced corneal subbasal nerve density; increased corneal sensitivity; corneal erosion syndrome [63]Reduced subfoveal choroidal thickness [64]; reduced corneal nerve density [65]Macula edema; hemorrhage; retinal detachment
Late-stage diabetesReduced tear meniscus parameters [66]; lower nerve fiber and branch length [67]Optic neuropathySevere hemorrhage; retinal tearing/detachment; blindness