Research Article

Shrimp Protein Hydrolysate Modulates the Timing of Proinflammatory Macrophages in Bupivacaine-Injured Skeletal Muscles in Rats

Figure 4

Muscle fiber cross-sectional area and interstitial area (%TCSA) of regenerating tibialis anterior muscle in rat. Myofiber cross-sectional area (MCSA) of three H/E-stained cryosections was quantified at days 0, 5, 14, and 28 after injury. Graphs are presented for noninjured (a) and injured (b) muscles. Two images were captured at 200x magnification from each cryosection and MCSA was traced using Image J analysis software. Total cross-sectional area (TCSA) was then traced in the injured muscle, and the interstitial area (IA) was quantified by subtracting the sum of individual MCSA from the TCSA at days 5, 14, and 28 after injury (c). Values are expressed as mean ± SEM (-8 rats per group/time point). Groups bearing different letters for a given time point are significantly different (). ND, nondetermined because of massive destruction of the myofibers in the necrotic area. Ca, casein; CaH, casein hydrolysate; Shr, shrimp protein hydrolysate.