Research Article

Encoding and Recognition Processing of Chinese Characters: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

Table 1

Stereotactic Talairach coordinates, -values, volume, and corresponding BAs for significantly activated regions (encoding versus baseline1 and recognition versus baseline2).

ComparisonActivated regionsBACoordinatesPeak -valuesVolume (mm3)

Encoding versus baseline1R. inferior frontal gyrus13/45/4736, 24, 79.204,941
R. middle frontal gyrus46/9/856, 28, 266.427,857
R. superior frontal gyrus63, 11, 557.595,211
L. middle frontal gyrus10−33, 56, 296.272,403
R. claustrum24, 26, 46.494,536
Cingulate gyrus243, 4, 254.792,916
R. inferior parietal lobule39/4033, −62, 426.284,401
R. superior parietal lobule727, −53, 445.435,778
R. fusiform gyrus37/2042, −62, −224.997,668
R. inferior occipital gyrus18/1930, −93, −35.394,914

Recognition versus baseline2R. superior frontal gyrus66, 9, 588.547,020
L. superior medial frontal gyrus8/6/9/10/460, 20, 466.695,373
L. inferior frontal gyrus13/45/47−33, 24, 76.683,078
L. claustrum−27, 21, 135.902,565
R. superior parietal lobule733, −50, 524.723,645
R. inferior parietal lobule4039, −42, 334.302,592
Cingulate gyrus31−18, −63, 145.284,671
R. cuneus18/196, −81, 126.576,561

L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere; BAs: Brodmann’s areas.
Coordinates (, , ) are shown in Talairach space for the peak activation of each activated region. Peak -values: peak intensity of voxel (-score of peak voxel). Volume: numbers of voxel for the center-mass of peak activated region.