Review Article

The A, C, G, and T of Genome Assembly

Table 2

The table enlists the strong points and challenges pertaining to some of the sequencing platforms.

PlatformPositive pointsChallenges

Sanger (Applied Biosystems 3730xl)Long read length; good for individual gene analysisSlow; expensive; poor quality due to primer dimer

454 GS+Long read length; fast; low cost for small studiesHigh error rate for homopolymer read; low throughput; will be phased out in 2016

454 GS FLX+Long read lengthHigh error rate homopolymer read; low throughput; large capital cost; will be phased out in 2016

MiSeqHigh throughput; ideal for small genome projectShort read length

HiSeq X TenHigh throughput; ideal for whole-genome projectShort read length

NextSeq 500High throughput; ideal for small to large scale projectShort read length

SOLiD 5500xlHigh throughputShort read length; poor output data distribution and arduous data analysis

Ion Proton IIdeal for small project; shorter run time; leading future technology Higher error rate; larger cost per Mb

Ion PGM 318Low capital investment and running cost; shorter run timeHigher error rate; larger cost per Mb

Polonator G.007Cost-effective; open resource Obsolete

Helicos HeliScopeSingle-molecule sequencing; simple sample preparation and data analysisShort read length; obsolete

PacBio RS IISingle-molecule real-time sequencing; longest available read lengthHigh error rate