Research Article

Exploring and Promoting Prosocial Vaccination: A Cross-Cultural Experiment on Vaccination of Health Care Personnel

Table 2

Generalized linear regression models with a logit link, predicting vaccination behavior in the US subsample ().

PredictorModel 1Model 2Model 3

Default option1.146.3911.172.4301.178.432
Herd immunity threshold.312.331.097.373.086.375
Default option × herd immunity threshold.050.589.117.640.167.645
Attitude of self.417.101.399.103
Belief attitude of others−.108.124−.119.126
Belief others vaccinated.
Belief vaccination is a social act

Notes. Vaccination: 0 = non-vaccination and 1 = vaccination. Default option: 0 = opt-in and 1 = opt-out. Herd immunity threshold: 0 = 7 out of 10 and 1 = 10 out of 10. Gender: 0 = male and 1 = female. Education: 0 = below bachelor’s degree and 1 = bachelor’s degree or above. Significance levels: , , and .