Research Article

The Effect of Diabetes Medication on Cognitive Function: Evidence from the PATH Through Life Study

Table 3

Association between type of diabetes treatment and cognitive function (β weights and SE).

SDMTImm. Rec.STWDigit Back. Trail A Trail BPPEG (both hands)SRTCRT

 M1-OHA only.14 (2.01).61 (.70)−2.19 (.99) −.04 (.59)−2.18 (2.66)3.67 (7.99).28 (.38)−.02 (.01)−.00 (.01)
 OHA + insulin−1.02 (2.88)−.68 (.70)−4.02 (1.39) .70 (.42)4.12 (3.79)16.92 (11.31) −.12 (.54).01 (.01).03 (.01)
 M2-OHA only−.46 (2.08).75 (.47) −2.28 (1.01) .57 (.45)−2.76 (2.72)−.99 (6.62).37 (.40)−.02 (.01)−.02 (.02)
 OHA + insulin−.98 (3.01)−.46 (.67)−4.39 (1.46) −.12 (.64)3.60 (3.94)15.74 (9.56)−.12 (.58)−.01 (.02)−.02 (.02)
 M1-OHA only1.15 (.84).51 (.30).03 (.34).31 (.24)−5.20 (3.48)11.81 (4.63)−.10 (.23)−.01 (.01)−.01 (.01)
 OHA + insulin−.3 (1.25).16 (.44)−.12 (.51).30 (.35)−3.37 (3.85)11.81 (6.81)−.76 (.35).01 (.01).00 (.01)
 M2-OHA only.66 (1.36).47 (.50)−.04 (.53).17 (.38)−6.38 (4.12)3.36 (7.11)−.53 (.35)−.02 (.01)−.04 (.01)
 OHA + insulin−1.97 (1.91).27 (.70)−.38 (.75).04 (.53)−9.43 (5.88)16.14 (9.97)−.94 (.550)−.00 (.02)−.03 (.02)

Note: measures for Trail A, Trail B, SRT, and CRT represent response time. Thus, positive β values indicate poorer performance relative to no diabetes group. All other measures (MMSE, SDMT, Imm. Rec., STW, Digit Back., and PPEG (both hands)) represent number of items completed correctly (negative β values indicate poorer performance).
Model 1 = control for age, sex, and education; W2 cognitive function.
Model 2 = Model 1 + BMI, PA, smoking, and hypertension.