Research Article

Modulation of Bcl-x Alternative Splicing Induces Apoptosis of Human Hepatic Stellate Cells

Figure 5

Bcl-x SSO treatment induced apoptosis in HSCs. (a) The cells after Amaxa transfection of SSOs (0.5 nmol) for 48 h were subjected to flow cytometry. The apoptosis kit includes a red dye to indicate mitochondrial membrane potential and a FITC-conjugated annexin V. Cells in Q4 area indicate apoptotic cells, show high level of green fluorescence, and decreased red fluorescence. Bcl-x SSO treatment evidently induced apoptosis. (b) Time-course assay of flow cytometry. Bcl-x SSO treatment induced a significant time-dependent apoptosis. (c) Staining for DNA was performed in HSCs 24 h after SSO treatment. The nuclear changes including condensation and fragmentation indicate classical apoptosis.