Research Article

Use of Moringa oleifera Flower Pod Extract as Natural Preservative and Development of SCAR Marker for Its DNA Based Identification

Table 3

Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of flower pods extracts of Moringa oleifera.

Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/mL)
Methanol extractAcetone extractChloroform extractEthanol extractAqueous extract

Shigella25 ± 0.0027.5 ± 0.0053.1 ± 0.00119 ± 0.00916 ± 0.00
E. coli17.5 ± 0.0025 ± 0.0053.1 ± 0.00119 ± 0.00916 ± 0.00
B. subtilis25 ± 0.0027.5 ± 0.0026.8 ± 0.00119 ± 0.00916 ± 0.00
S. typhi12.5 ± 0.0017.5 ± 0.00107 ± 0.00119 ± 0.00916 ± 0.00

Values are mean of three independent experiments.