Clinical Study

Device-Training for Individuals with Thoracic and Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury Using a Powered Exoskeleton for Technically Assisted Mobility: Achievements and User Satisfaction

Table 2

Achievement of milestones during the exoskeleton training.

Number of training units until a milestone was individually achieved
(presented as mean [95% confidence interval], number of subjects)
Close contact guard (CCG)
(physical help needed)
Minimal assist (MA)
(mainly verbal assistance, occasional physical help)
No assist (NA)

 1.3 0.8–1.7 ()10.2 2.8–17.6 ()12 ()
 1.3 0.8–1.7 ()10.7 5.1–16.2 ()16 12 & 20 ()
Standing balance for 1 minute with both crutches
 1.3 0.8–1.7 ()4.7 2.9–6.5 ()9.0 5.2–12.8 ()
Walk 10 meters straight
 4.9 2.1–7.7 ()23 21 & 25 ()22 ()
Walk 10 meters straight and in curve
 8.1 2.1–14.2 ()21 ()22 ()
Ascend, turn around, and descend a flight of 12 stairs
 18.5 7.3–29.7 ()
Walk 500 meters
 11 7 and 15 ()22 ()