Research Article

Change of Renal Parenchymal Width in Patients with Unilateral Ureteral Stent: A Bicenter Retrospective Study

Table 1

Study population.

Age (years), mean ± SD58.9 ± 10.9
Duration of ureteral stent indwelled (months)15.6 ± 10.2
Sex (female)64/98 (65.3%)
DM18/98 (18.4%)
HTN30/98 (30.6%)
CKD1/98 (1.0%)
Febrile UTI9/98 (9.2%)
History of pelvic surgery55/98 (56.1%)
History of pelvic RT43/98 (43.9%)
History of chemotherapy79/98 (80.6%)
Laterality (right)50/98 (51.0%)
Malignancy89/98 (90.8%)
Type of obstruction (external)91/98 (92.9%)

SD = standard deviation, DM = diabetes mellitus, HTN = hypertension, CKD = chronic kidney disease, UTI = urinary tract infection, RT = radiation therapy.