Research Article

RNA-Based Stable Isotope Probing Suggests Allobaculum spp. as Particularly Active Glucose Assimilators in a Complex Murine Microbiota Cultured In Vitro

Figure 3

Bacterial diversity in the faecal microbiota. (a) Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of unweighted UniFrac phylogenetic distances of mouse faecal microbiota based upon different density RNA-SIP fractions. “Heavy” RNA-SIP fractions in comparison with the “medium” majority of the bacterial community of the 2 h and 4 h incubations in the presence of [U13C]glucose are shown. Each fraction was sequenced in duplicate (except fraction 3 of the 2 h incubation, where only one sample was usable for sequencing) and is represented as an individual point. (b) Faith’s phylogenetic diversity estimate of “heavy” RNA-SIP fractions and the “medium” majority of the community of the 2 h and 4 h incubations, respectively. Each fraction was sequenced in duplicate (except fraction 3 of the 2 h incubation, where only one sample was usable for sequencing) and is displayed as an individual data point. Lines indicate the mean across the sequencing replicates and the designated different density fractions. indicates significant difference () in complexity determined by two-way ANOVA.