Research Article

Altered Erythropoiesis in Mouse Models of Type 3 Hemochromatosis

Figure 1

(a) Red blood cells (RBC; 10E06 cells/μL), (b) hemoglobin concentration (HB; g/dL), (c) hematocrit (HCT; %), (d) mean corpuscular volume (MCV; fL), (e) mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH; pg), (f) reticulocytes (retic; 10E09 cells/L), and (g) mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC; g/dL) values obtained from animals CBC. WT: wild type (blue); KI: Tfr2 KI (green); KO: Tfr2 KO (yellow); 14 d: 14 days; 10 w: 10 weeks. indicate statistically significant differences () compared to age-matched WT, KO, and KI, respectively.