Research Article

Effect of Gonadotropin Types and Indications on Homologous Intrauterine Insemination Success: A Study from 1251 Cycles and a Review of the Literature

Table 3

Correlation between of couple’s parameters and clinical outcomes relatively to used COS for IUI.

Couple’s parametersrFSH/Gonal F ()rFSH/Puregon ()uFSH/Fostimon ()hMG/Menopur ()

Women’s age (years)−0.03−0.03−0.02−0.04−0.07−0.05−0.01−0.01
IUI attempt rank0.17 (s)0.22 (s)0.16 (s)0.16 (s)0.18 (s)0.23 (s)0.21 (s)0.22 (s)
Sperm quality
 Sperm concentration (×106/ml)
 Sperm motility (%)0.090.16 (s)0.030.17 (s)
 TMS (×106)

Results are expressed as values representing the correlation coefficient calculated for each parameter relative to each clinical outcome. were considered significant (s) for ; IUI: intrauterine insemination; TMS: total motile sperm count; CP: clinical pregnancy; LB: live birth.