Review Article

Factor XIII Subunit A in the Skin: Applications in Diagnosis and Treatment

Table 2

Previously described/suggested mechanisms of action of factor XIII related to skin homeostasis and diseases.

Affected cells by factor XIII
ECMMonocytesMacrophagesDendritic cellsFibroblastsEndothelial cells

Mechanism of action

(i) Crosslinking ECM components and complement C3
(ii) Crosslinking bacterial surface components
(iii) Fibrin matrix formation around tumor cells
(iv) Inducing tumor cell exit to the vasculature
(i) Dimerization of AT1 and mobilization of cells
(ii) Facilitating entry into the artery wall
(iii) Inducing receptor mediated phagocytosis
(iv) Antiapoptotic
(v) Promoting proliferation migration
(i) Translocation to the nucleus and macrophage activation
(ii) Gene expression regulation
(iii) Released cFXIII-A by damaged macrophages
(i) Induction of antigen presentation
(ii) Induction of cytokine production
(iii) Induction of mucin deposition
(i) Enhancing adherence and migration
(ii) Antiapoptotic
(iii) Promoting proliferation migration
(iv) Homeostasis of collagen production
(i) Endothelial-platelet interaction
(ii) Antiapoptotic
(iii) Promoting proliferation and migration


[1, 810, 23][1, 810, 23][1, 810, 23, 25, 37, 43, 62][1, 810, 23, 67, 72, 7581][1, 5, 810, 23][1, 810, 23]

ECM = extracellular matrix.