Research Article

Loss of PI3K p110α in the Adipose Tissue Results in Infertility and Delayed Puberty Onset in Male Mice

Figure 1

Delayed puberty onset in male α−/− mice (aP2-Cre/p110 are called α−/− and control p110 mice are called α+/+). (a) Mean anogenital distance (AGD, mm) measured at postnatal days (PND) 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, and 33. (b) Balanopreputial separation age (α+/+, ; α−/−, ). (c) Testis weight (α+/+, ; α−/−, ). Plasma LH (d) and FSH (e) levels on PND30 ( per group). (f) Plasma T levels on PND30 (α+/+, ; α−/−, ). (g) Representative sections of PND30 testis in α+/+ and α−/−. Scale bar corresponds to 50 μm. Values are mean ± SEM (Student’s -test as compared to control). , , .