Review Article

Clinicopathological Characteristics, Treatment, and Prognosis of Rarely Primary Epididymal Adenocarcinoma: A Review and Update

Table 2

Histological characteristics and regional metastatic status of primary epididymal adenocarcinoma were reported in the literatures from 2007 to 2017.

Ref.DiagnosisTissue StructureCell morphologyNucleusCytoplasmInvasionTumor stromaProven metastasis

Graham et al. 2017 [6]AdenocarcinomaPapillary and gland-likeSmall, punctate, and round nucleiPale eosinophilicILN

Pindoria et al. 2016 [7]Papillary cystadenocarcinomaPapillary structures projecting into cystic spaces; cystic and solid sheetsCuboid to columnar, polygonalPale eosinophilic to clearSpermatic cordIpsilateral testis

Urabe et al.
2016 [13]
AdenocarcinomaNest-like and tubular pattern; lobulated proliferationFibrotic and inflammatoryNo

Gupta et al.
2015 [8]
Mucinous adenocarcinomaCystic spaces; variably sized tubular glands with intraluminal papillae; complex tubulocystic structures with mucin; calcification and necrosisFrank goblet cell differentiationNuclear stratification, moderate nuclear pleomorphism, coarse chromatin, and frequently prominent nucleoli; identified mitosisIntracytoplasmic mucinPeriepididymal soft tissue, testis, rete testis and spermatic cordNo

Nozawa et al. 2014 [5]Clear cell papillary cystadenocarcinomaSolid nests and tubular structure; necrosisSmall round nuclei (a part); nuclear atypia and occasional mitosis (a part)Clear to eosinophilicTesticular capsule and surrounding soft tissuesNo

Staník et al.
2012 [9]
Poorly differentiated adenocarcinomaMicroacinar and solid, sporadically cribriform; no necrosisMainly round with finely dispersed chromatin, with sporadic nuclei variability such as hyperchromasia, prominent nucleoli and monstrous nuclei; high mitosisLarge clear vacuoles without evident mucus secretionTestisFibrous septaRPLN

Soumarová et al. 2012 [10]AdenocarcinomaTubular, papillary, tubulopapillary and cystopapillary structures alternating with solid structuresCuboid, columnar and epitheloidHigh atypical mitosisSome contain clear cytoplasmEndolymphatic, endovenous, (peri)endoneural and pseudocapsule tumour permeationPseudocapsules and incomplete fibrous septa

Arisan et al. 2004 [14]Small differentiated adenocarcinomaIrregular adenoid structures; solid spherical or papillary pattern proliferationBigPleomorphic vesicular nucleus, definite nucleolus; some mitosisSeminal cordNo

Hayashi et al. 2003 [16]Moderately differentiated adenocarcinomaCord- and nest-like or complex glandular pattern; necrosisHyperchromatic, pleomorphic; increased mitosisTestisNo

Chauhan et al. 2001 [11]Poorly differentiated adenocarcinomaA strong PAS stainingEpididymal tubulesRPLN

Ganem et al. 1998 [3]Well differentiated adenocarcinomaMicroglandularPerineural spaceNo

Jones et al.
1997 [4]
AdenocarcinomaNO. 1 + 2, variably sized, simple tubules or complex tubular glands with intraluminal papillae; necrosis (in one patient)
NO. 3 + 4,large cysts contain lightly eosinophilic secretions and had complex, arborizing papillary structures projecting into them
NO. 1 + 2,cuboidal or rarely columnar
NO. 3 + 4,columnar
NO. 1 + 2,mildly to moderately atypical nucleus, visible nucleoli; infrequent mitosis
NO. 3 + 4,infrequent mitosis
NO. 1 + 2,clear or rarely lightly amphophilic
NO. 3 + 4,lightly amphophilic, eosinophilic or clear cytoplasm
NO. 1 + 2,epididymal muscular wall, periepididymal soft tissue, or both.
NO. 3 + 4,
NO. 1 + 2,focally desmoplastic stroma
NO. 3 + 4,
NO. 1 + 4,RPLN
NO. 2 + 3,No

ILN: inguinal lymph node; RPLN: retroperitoneal lymph node; — means that contents were not mentioned in the literatures.