Research Article

Modulation of Progesterone Receptor Isoform Expression in Pregnant Human Myometrium

Figure 4

Effect of stretch in the absence or presence of steroids on culture-induced changes in PR isoform expression in vitro: Relative mRNA abundance of PR-T, PR-A, and PR-B was measured in term nonlaboring myometrial strips while applying 0, 1, and 3 g of stretch for 48 h (), as well as in presence of steroids (500 nM P4 + 400 nM E2) while applying 0, 1, and 3 g of stretch for 48 h (), and expressed relative to Alien reference. In addition, PR-A/PR-B expression ratio was calculated. (a) Effect of stretch on PR-T mRNA abundance. (b) Effect of stretch and steroids on PR-T mRNA abundance. (c) Effect of stretch on PR-A mRNA abundance. (d) Effect of stretch and steroids on PR-A mRNA abundance. (e) Effect of stretch on PR-B mRNA abundance. (f) Effect of stretch and steroids on PR-B mRNA abundance. (g) Effect of stretch on PR-A/PR-B expression ratio. (h) Effect of stretch and steroids on PR-A/PR-B expression ratio. Data was checked for normality (Shapiro-Wilk normality test) and if necessary was logarithmically transformed to approach normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk normality test). Data was analysed using 1-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons (Dunnett). Data are mean ± SEM.