Review Article

Phase I and Phase II Therapies for Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Update on Currently Studied Drugs in Clinical Research

Table 2

This table summarizes the thrombolytic drugs, details of clinical trials completed in AIS, route (i.v.: intravenous; i.a.: intra-arterial), phases, number of patients enrolled, and clinical trial number.

Summary of thrombolytic drug trials
DrugDoseTime windowPhaseNumber of patientsClinical trial numberCitation

Reteplase + abciximab0.25 mg/kg bolus of abciximab i.v. + 0.125 mcg/kg/min infusion for 12 hours
i.a. reteplase in boluses of 0.25 units (5 minutes) proximal to the thrombus + incremental doses
3–6 hours after symptom onset120FDA Protocol Number 9180[9]

Tenecteplase0.25 mg/kg tenecteplase
0.1 mg/kg tenecteplase
0.9 mg/kg alteplase
6 hours after symptom onset2b75New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12608000466347[10]

Tenecteplase0.25 mg/kg tenecteplase
0.9 mg/kg alteplase
4.5 hours after symptom onset2104NCT01472926[11]