Research Article

Age-Adjusted D-Dimer in the Prediction of Pulmonary Embolism: Does a Normal Age-Adjusted D-Dimer Rule Out PE?

Table 2

Predictive power of Wells score and its elements.

Data-defined Odds ratio (95% CI) valueSensitivitySpecificitySensitivity + specificity

Wells score (continuous)≥54.07 (2.76, 6.05)<0.0010.610.721.33
Wells Score > 43.11 (2.08, 4.75)<0.0010.710.551.27
HR > 1001.21 (0.83, 1.77)0.3350.560.481.05
Stasis (+ versus −)1.21 (0.82, 1.78)0.3320.390.661.04
Signs of DVT (+ versus −)4.41 (2.84, 6.80)<0.0010.340.891.24
Hemoptysis (+ versus −)1.54 (0.56, 3.61)0.3580.050.971.02
Cancer (+ versus −)1.45 (0.97, 2.2)0.0690.350.731.08
Previous DVT/PE (+ versus −)2.05 (1.27, 3.23)0.0030.230.871.10

at which probability of PE predicted by logistic regression model equals or first exceeds observed frequency of PE. data-defined cutoff, where applicable.