Research Article

Human Brain Mapping of Visual Script Familiarity between Phonological and Logographic Language: 3 T Functional MRI Study

Figure 2

Main effect analysis of script (LogoS versus PhonoS reading) for all subjects (). Red color represents greater BOLD signal for LogoS than for PhonoS reading. Green color represents greater BOLD signal for PhonoS than for LogoS reading. In the 3D rendered image, significantly greater activation for LogoS than for PhonoS reading was observed bilaterally in the inferior occipital/temporal and corresponding dorsal stream extending to the SPL. In comparison, significantly greater activation for PhonoS than for LogoS reading was observed in the bilateral anterior to mid-temporal cortices and the DMPFC (left predominant) (a). T-maps overlaid on sliced images clearly showed that both the FG and insular cortex were more activated for LogoS than for PhonoS reading and the precuneus was more activated for PhonoS than for LogoS reading (b) (uncorrected , ).