Review Article

Magnetic Separation Methods for the Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Various Types of Matrices: A Review

Table 6

Magnetic separation method used for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis DNA in feces and tissue.

Type of kitType of matrixArtificially contaminatedPreparation of sampleInitial volume of sampleInitial number of MAP [MAP/mL]Limit of Detection [MAP/mL]Sensitivity of detection [%]Reference

MagMAX Bovine fecesNoNo preparation500 µLn. a.n. a.65[43]
No300 mg of feces diluted in 1 mL of PBS, vortexed, centrifuged, supernatant added to a tube with zirconia beads and lysis-binding solution, vortexed, centrifuged, added to a plate with isopropanol, magnetic nucleic acid-binding beads and binding lysis enhancer, automated system used (MagMAX Express Magnetic Particle Processor)300 mgn. a.n. a.76[14]

BioSprint 96 + MagMAX-96 auto.Bovine fecesNoGrowth in Bactec 12B, 200 µL liquid culture medium added to 200 µL buffer RLT, transferred to a tube with 0.3 g zirconia/silica beads, disrupted in Fast Prep-24 bead beater for 60 s, and centrifuged, 100 µL added to a deep 96-well plate100 µLn. a.n. a.n. a. [44]
Sheep fecesNo100 µL106 to 101100–1000n. a.
Sheep tissueNo100 µLn. a.n. a.n. a.

MagMAX Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit; BioSprint 96 one-for-all vet kit (Qiagen) + MagMAX-96 automated magnetic processor; artificially contaminated only to set the Limit of Detection; auto = automatically processed; LOD = Limit of Detection; MAP = Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis; n. a. = not available; PBS = phosphate-buffered saline; RLT = commercial name for the lysis buffer (Qiagen).