Review Article

Bioinformatics Genes and Pathway Analysis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury

Figure 2

Heatmap of gene expression differences by gene coexpression network analysis. Red dot indicates a differentially expressed gene with statistical significance. Red dots on the right indicate upregulation of gene expression, whereas red dots on the left indicate downregulation of gene expression. Blue indicates that there is no statistically significant difference in gene expression. The greater the ordinate value corresponding to the point is, the greater the difference in gene expression corresponding to that point is. Similarly, the greater the absolute value of the abscissa corresponding to the point is, the greater the difference in gene expression corresponding to that point is. Note that there are 592 statistically significant DEGs. The abscissa value of Ccl3 is 3.45, which means Ccl3 is the maximum change among all DEGs (a). Hierarchical clustering dendrogram of gene expression: the horizontal axis at the bottom represents the name of samples and the vertical axis on the left side represents the degree of gene clustering. The vertical axis on the right side represents the name of genes and the horizontal axis at the top represents the degree of clustering of samples. The red color stands for upregulated while the green color stands for downregulated. The darker red indicates a stronger upregulation in expression and the darker green indicates a stronger downregulation in expression. It can be concluded that the samples can be divided into clusters generally: the control group of sham-injury and the experimental group of injury (b). Moreover, the maximum change of gene expression profile was upregulation of Ccl3 (fold change = 10.91, ) (b).