Review Article

Metabolomics and Cardiology: Toward the Path of Perinatal Programming and Personalized Medicine

Table 2

Possible long-term consequences in adulthood to subjects born with extremely low birth weight: suggestion for diagnosis and care.

Possible consequences in adulthoodRisksSuggestion for diagnosis and care

Increase in the QT interval of ECG in some subjectsRisk of arrhythmia and sudden deathECG monitoring
Avoidance of drugs that increase the QT interval
Reduced vascular elasticityRisk of hypertensionBlood pressure monitoring
High ADMA levelsRisk of acute cardiovascular problemsECG and blood pressure monitoring
Increase in microalbuminuria and urinary NGAL, reduction of kidney volumeRisk of chronic kidney insufficiencyUrine stick monitoring, albuminuria, creatinine, and cystatin C in the blood, kidney ultrasound