Review Article

Synaptic Reorganization of the Perisomatic Inhibitory Network in Hippocampi of Temporal Lobe Epileptic Patients

Table 2

Synaptic input of hippocampal principal cell somata and axon initial segments. The synaptic coverage (synaptic length/100 μm soma or AIS perimeter) was calculated for each cell body or AIS as follows. All cell bodies or AISs found in one electron microscopic section (with an area of about 300 × 300 μm) were photographed. The perimeter of these profiles, as well as the synaptic length of all boutons contacting them, was measured offline, with the aid of the ImageJ program (NIH). The sum of symmetrical and asymmetrical synaptic lengths per 100 μm soma or AIS perimeter gave the inhibitory and excitatory synaptic coverage, respectively. Data deriving from different patients but falling within the same patient group (control, Types 1–3) were pooled and averaged. N/A = data not available.

Soma inhibitory synaptic coverage ( = granule cell somata examined)PV%Soma excitatory synaptic coverageAIS inhibitory synaptic coverage ( = AIS examined)PV%Soma inhibitory synaptic coverage ( = pyramidal cell somata examined)PV%AIS inhibitory synaptic coverage ( = AIS examined)PV%Soma inhibitory synaptic coverage ( = pyramidal cell somata examined)PV%Soma excitatory synaptic coverage

Control (50)11.30 (183)12.27 (120)23.1 (177)45.4 (28)17.50
Epileptic (T1-mild) (32)8.10 (74)10.5 (119)33.2 (157)42.5N/AN/AN/A
Epileptic (T2-patchy) (31)2.70 (58)12.5 (79)46.6 (102)38.9 (21)6.3
Epileptic (T3-sclerotic) (33)4.0 (144)25.1N/AN/AN/AN/A (28)0