Research Article

The Bioinformatic Analysis of the Dysregulated Genes and MicroRNAs in Entorhinal Cortex, Hippocampus, and Blood for Alzheimer’s Disease

Table 1

KEGG pathway enrichment for the overlapping genes between target genes of the four microRNAs (has-let-7d, has-miR-144, has-miR-374a, and has-miR-106b) and the DEGs in EC and HIP regions.

TermCount valueGenes

MAPK signaling pathway130.0062RPS6KA5, AKT1, MAP4K4, MAP3K5, PLA2G4A, DUSP2, FGF9, TGFBR1, MAP2K4, MKNK2, PPP3R1, FGF12, DUSP6
Endocytosis100.010IGF1R, ADRB3, FLT1, TGFBR1, PSD3, VPS4B, DNAJC6, PSD2, ARAP2, LDLRAP1
Axon guidance70.042EPHA5, SEMA6A, PLXNA1, PPP3R1, SEMA4C, L1CAM, SRGAP1
Insulin signaling pathway60.0076AKT1, L1CAM, IGF1R, IRS2, SOCS7, RHOQ
Focal adhesion40.021VCAM1, L1CAM, ITGA4, CERCAM