Research Article

Natural Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine: Direct Determination of Detergents Entrapped in Decellularized Heart Valves

Figure 2

Detergent calibration curves. Each left-right row shows the calibration curves of a single detergent: (a) cholate (COL); (b) deoxycholate (DOC); (c) taurodeoxycholate (TDOC). The curves on the left refer to pulmonary leaflet digest and those on the right to aortic leaflet digest. Area expressed in conventional integration units (CIUs). The coefficient S represents the standard deviation of the model’s error; R-Sq (or ) is the percentage of response variable variation explained by its relationship with one or more predictor variables; R-Sq (adj) is the percentage of response variable variation explained by its relationship with one or more predictor variables, adjusted for the number of predictors in the model. Confidence intervals (CI) are stated at 95% confidence level. Prediction intervals (PI) of 95% are reported for each regression analysis.