Research Article

Overweight or Obesity, Gender, and Age Influence on High School Students of the City of Toluca’s Physical Fitness

Table 5

Estimate for Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of age and gender versus the results of the studied variables of the modified and extended ALPHA-FITNESS battery for Mexican teenagers from 15 to 17 years old .

Stan. B. JHand4 × 10  Course-Tric. SkSub. SkWaist Circ


The shown values are values of the estimate for Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient; significance value 0.05. = significance value . Standing broad jump. Handgrip. 4 × 10 m shuttle run. Course-Navette (cardiorespiratory capacity). Triceps skinfold. Subscapular skinfold. Body mass index. Waist circumference.