Research Article

Effects of an Ad Libitum Consumed Low-Fat Plant-Based Diet Supplemented with Plant-Based Meal Replacements on Body Composition Indices

Table 2

Demographic characteristics of control and interventional groups.

ParameterWhole sampleControl groupIntervention group

Age (years)40 (18–71)41 (18–71)40 (19–69)0.98
Sex (female/male (%))282/43 (87%/13%)74/10 (88%/12%)208/33 (86%/14%)0.68
Height (cm)167 (152–200)168 (153–200)167 (152–193)0.9
Weight (kg)77.7 (48.8–149.1)73.7 (49.2–139.3)79.3 (48.8–149.1)0.02
Smoking ( (%))19 (6%)4 (5%)15 (6%)0.79
Married or living with a partner ( (%))250 (77%)57 (68%)193 (80%)0.02
University educational level ( (%))117 (36%)21 (25%)96 (40%)0.02
Frequent exercisers ( (%))26 (8%)3 (4%)23 (10%)0.08

For normally distributed variables the data are given as mean ± SD and for nonnormally distributed variables as median (range). Habitual personal workout more than 3 times per week.