Research Article

Maternal Body Mass Index and Anovaginal Distance in Active Phase of Term Labor

Table 1

Maternal and obstetrical characteristics of the study population.

BMI < 25
25 ≤ BMI < 30
BMI ≥ 30

Age mean (SD)28.5 (4.0)29.7 (5.7)27.4 (5.2)0.06
Weight gain during pregnancy (kg) mean (SD)13.7 (4.2)14.5 (6.5)14.2 (6.6)0.66
Gestational weeks mean (SD)40.4 (1.2)40.5 (1.2)40.5 (1.4)0.88
Ethnicity (%)0.82
Swedish101 (94.4)58 (93.5)35 (92.1)
Not Swedish6 (5.6)4 (6.5)3 (7.9)
Cervical dilatation (cm) (%)0.51
≤569 (64.4)39 (62.9)28 (73.7)
>538 (35.5)23 (37.1)10 (23.6)
Presenting fetal part (%)
Above the ischial spines (%)106 (99.1)59 (95.2)38 (100)
Below the ischial spines (%)1 (0.9)3 (4.8)0

Assumption for Chi2 test not fulfilled.